A review by jlennidorner
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography by Neil Patrick Harris, David Javerbaum


A hearty Kungaloosh to you! Sometimes in life you don't get a choice. But in this book, you totally do! (Unless you stay in a maybe-haunted castle, more of a turret, in Ireland.)

What an incredibly fun read! My NPH fandom stems from my huge, deep, throbbing (I went there) HIMYM fandom, though I also enjoy several of Neil's other works. Or Dr. Howser's. Or Dr. Horrible's. (Or maybe it's Thunderbolt Howser, or Baron von Sexy A... Some readers of this book will get this joke.) I'm also in the Choose Your Adventure fandom, so really, this book was a total win for me.

Telling Gideon and Harper the story of how I became a bro... Legend-two scoops of ice cream straight from the- dary. ;)

The optimism speech was really good, and everyone (or anyone not suffering from genuine medical depression) ought to read it and consider giving it a whirl.

Spider-Man's name has a hyphen because Stan Lee wanted to distinguish him from Superman. (Grammarphobia, Syfywire, Twitter) Detective Comics No. 27 says THE BATMAN on the cover but hyphenates it inside. Batman got a comic in 1940 with no hyphens to be found. (scifi.stackexchange) And now NPH can sleep soundly. #YouAreWelcome

Darn shame that David hates bowling and a guy in Laurel Canyon... Wait, not that ending!
There is a HEA ending, as anyone paying attention to the entertainment world already knows. If you get there depends on the adventure you choose.

"The 'truth' about a person's sexual preference is often revealed through a long journey of tiny steps, and acceptance is one of the last ones."

This review is also on my blog, along with the"Book Plot Emoji" challenge. (Which might looks better there.)