A review by tumblyhome_caroline
Othello by William Shakespeare


I am reading Shakespeares plays, something I never thought I would do, and this time it was Othellos turn. I have to admit I really didn’t like this one at all but admit Iago is the most brilliant, despicable baddie.
It all started off so well with Othello and Desdemona. And then one little whisper of false rumours in Othellos ear and the whole world unravelled into jealous murderous and depressing horror.
It is a tragedy.. so of course everyone dies but some really don’t deserve to. Mind you, lots of themes, as always with Shakespeare, are still relevant in todays world and I can’t fault Shakespeares writing.. I just didn’t like reading about it because it was so sad. I also watched the excellent production with Kenneth Branagh as Iago (and he was very very good in this) and the extremely excellent Laurence Fishburne and that was good but the miserable outcome was the same