A review by eesh25
The Last Great Adventure of the PB & J Society by Janet Sumner Johnson


I recieved an ARC for this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book, in one work, was just so darn cute.

But not in cutsy hand-holding or sweet and innocent way. But in a way that two ten year-old's who are trying to find a treature to save a house are cute.

It's a very funny book with characters that you begin to care a lot about.

One of these characters, Annie, will get one your nerves as well. She's just so bossy and impulsive and stubborn that you wish someone would send her to her room already. But she grows on you. Mainly because even though she always messes up and does stupid stuff, she just a kid who doesn't want to lose her best friend. She cares a lot about him and she is fiercely loyal.

So what if she'd bossy? I'm pretty sure I was much worse.

Jason is a sweet boy. He also cares about her but he's not as loud as she is. He's also more practical, being forced by the situation he's in. You can see him growing up and getting a taste of how hard the world can be and it's really sad. Children should never have to grow up that way.

He is different from Annie in almost every way but the both of them mesh so well; like PB&J. I adored their friendship.

The family life was also very well incorporated. Not only Jason's life was changing but Annie's was as well and the way they reacted to the change was very believable and seemed so genuine that it was breaking my heart. I didn't want them both to get hurt.

I was surprised by the ending of the book. I didn't think the author would do that. But she did and I'm glad for it. These five stars would have been four the end had been different.

The only flaw I can think of is a few continuity errors. Very minor things like Annie putting on noseplugs and paragraphs later saying she wished she had noseplugs.

Overall, this was a very fast and enjoyable read with lovable characters and a engaging and heart-warming story. It reminded me why I love middle-grade.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. You just gotta read it. It's too adorable to miss.