A review by littlebookthief
Decoded by Mai Jia


spent half of the book just explaining the 1000 years prior to present events happening to the main character.... i didn't hate it, just didn't find it all very important to tell to us readers? also, who is the narrator? i'm alright with it being anonymous, but it was explicitly explained that the narrator's related to one of the characters in the book, or at least, a figurine. Also, the whole purpose of the book was to show us how a genius can meet his own demise if they take the wrong way down the road, but to be honest, it was a weak way and wasn't enough to make me sympathize with him, and the whole "plot twist" of Mr. Lieswich (?) was boring, predictable, and overall just made the story bland.

Basically :
a genius woman gave birth to a demon child. said demon child impregnate a stranger, then died. said stranger ended up dying after giving birth to a descendant of said genius, then grew up to become a secret agent (cryptographer) and cracked a code made by his professor when he was in university, and ended up losing his briefcase filled with secrets of another code because he fell asleep, and upon finding it, went completely mad. and then probably died, idk, didn't really pay attention at the last 50 pages of the book.

Conclusion :
Vasili was a terrible bodyguard. I bet that he was the traitor and thief this whole time.