A review by ajsterkel
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett


Look at that pretty-pink-blood-ribbon cover. It's a young adult horror dystopia about a society that believes teenage girls have dangerous magical powers. When the girls turn 16, they're sent to an island for a year to purge the magic from their systems. The island is not a happy place. It's basically a Lord Of The Flies situation. This is a fiercely feminist horror story. There's blood, guts, and plot twists. The teens have to work together to overcome their own prejudices and learn how to survive on the island. It's a fast-paced novel that kept me on the edge of my seat.

I wish the secondary characters had more development. There are a lot of characters. Aside from the main character, most of them are one-dimensional. Like many YA dystopias, the world building is pretty vague too. We don't learn much about the world outside the community where the story is set. I wondered if any teens chose to run away rather than go through their Grace Year. It's a brutal rite of passage. I wouldn't let my kid do it.

Is it true that this book is going to be made into a movie? I hope so! I think it would be an excellent movie. It has a lot of action and drama.