A review by nstinch54
The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick


** I received an ARC of this book from Harlequin UK publishers in a Goodreads Giveaway. **

SOLID 5/5 stars

Let me start by saying that I am super grateful to have won a copy of this book. It could very easily end up being one of my favorites that I read in 2016. I wish it so much success when it gets released and hope that those who read this book enjoy it as much as I did.

I thought this book was absolutely adorable. I loved the whole concept of the book: 69-year old widower Arthur Pepper (p.s. what a cute name!) finds a charm bracelet among his wife’s belongings on the one-year anniversary of her death. He doesn’t recollect ever seeing his wife wear it, and he wonders where it came from and what sentimental value it might have held for Miriam. He goes on an adventure trying to trace back where each of the charms came from and encounters lots of interesting people with wonderful stories along the way.

Even the side characters are appealing. Bernadette starts off seeming like a nosy neighbor, but really she was just being nice. I really liked Lucy (both of them!) and how she had realistic problems that she had been struggling to deal with on top of her mother’s death. Terry, forever mowing his lawn and dealing with the great escape artist of a tortoise that lived next door was pretty funny.

Overall, this book was charming and fast-paced. I kept turning page after page wanting to know the next adventure that Arthur would be experiencing. The idea that you can be 69-years-old and still go on life-changing adventures and see the world is a wonderful concept. You just have to be willing to break from your daily routine and comfort zone like Arthur did and take the steps out your front door.