A review by readswithkatie
Late Nights & Love Lines by Avery Maxwell, Avery Maxwell


This was by far the best second chance, single dad romance I have read in a while. Late Nights & Love Lines took me through a series of emotions from smiling, laughing, crying and swooning. It was like riding the best kind of roller coaster.

Rowan & Sebastian are truly meant for each other. They are part of destiny...written in the stars so to speak.

My heart absolutely broke for Rowan. Her past is not an easy one and she is a runner. But when Sebastian and his children enter the picture..Rowan starts to think that she can finally stop running and set down roots but she just needs someone to show her how to do that.

The relationships Rowan builds with each of Sebastian's children as individuals was so beautiful. For the children being young they were quick to really see Rowan and her internal battles and call her out on some of it (not in a rude way in a more intuitive way). I especially loved Rowan and Seren’s relationship. They were two birds of a feather and helped heal each other in ways they both needed and understood.

Sebastian….this man was so patient with Rowan. I can’t even put into words how this man slowly built trust with Rowan and showed her that he was there and all in with her but understood if she was ready to run but wanted her to know she always had a home with him.

Truly this book was heartbreaking and beautiful. The growth for Rowan was amazing and the relationship not only between her and the kids and Sebastian but also his friend group was everything( “Down there, yes. But one of our lost souls still hasn’t fully entered the orphanage.” Stella grins. “So we brought the orphanage to her.”)

I will add Pappy…I adored him and how he was always there for Rowan and gave her just the right amount of space she needed but was there for her when she needed it the most just didn’t realize it or ask for it.

This book will live rent free in my head for a while and for sure will be a reread for me. I highly recommend this if you want a single dad, second chance, found family book.

Thank you Hambright PR and Avery Maxwell for the arc of this book.