A review by empressofbookingham
When We Speak: New Poetic Distillations from Kenya by Rafinki


“... We won, son
With clean hands and foaming buckets
We won with division and unity
Yes, we won. That's why I hug you like a trophy
That's the prize of winning the war,”

The Silent War, Daniel Mulinge (excerpt from When We Speak by @rafinkiofficial)


I just got schooled! That's what happens when a conglomerate of literature students who love and use poetry as one of the mediums to channel their creativity, woes, love, wishes, opinions... When they spoke, I listened.

The thing about anthologies, and more so when it comes to poetry, is it comes as a buffet. It'll feed all of life appetites and spectrums. 'When We Speak' did just that; it's is wholesome and filling and feeling.

Most of the poems were relatable, enlightening,. Obviously there will always be that one poem or two that's like a Pandora box. What would life be without a bit of complexity.

Immensely enjoyed reading this and all I learnt from the foreword.

This book was hands down magnificent, yes including its packaging.

Byron Juma's exquisite, lyrical play with words had me awed