A review by bookishrealm
Your Legacy: A Bold Reclaiming of Our Enslaved History by Schele Williams, Tonya Engel


This is a constant reminder of how important it can be to include picture books into your monthly reading. I remember ordering this specific title for the collection at my library so I made sure to grab a copy as soon as it came in. Your Legacy is a love letter to all Black children in hopes of helping them look at the legacy of their ancestors in a different way. Black people including Black children are constantly bombarded with the trauma based narratives of our history. Ask people to say the first things that come to mind when they think of the words "slave" or "slavery" and there will be few positive and/or empowering responses. This book attempts to reclaim those narratives and highlight the many ways that our legacies are beyond pain and suffering. Even the art speaks to this message with it's bold colors and dynamic style. Every child and caregiver will be reminded of the strength, courage, integrity, brilliance, ingenuity, and intellect that lives within the legacy of Black people.