A review by vqctorvales
The Divines by Ellie Eaton


✧ — 1.5 stars.

I'm only rating this 1.5 stars for Lauren and Lauren only. This book was awful and that was really disappointing because I was looking forward so much. The main issue with this book was that so much was left unexplained that by the time you reached the end, you were like "what the HELL?" and not in a good way.

This is essentially 320 pages of a high school bully feeling remorse years later for how she acted, but then being unlikeable and never actually showing growth as an adult. There were also these intervals in which we read about her adult life and she would describe things so vividly that it made me uncomfortable and I was like ????

Ugh, I'm so annoyed that I wasted time finishing this but I thought it would get better. It doesn't.