A review by skitch41
Acts for Everyone, Part One: Chapters 1-12 by Tom Wright, N.T. Wright


Moving along in N.T. Wright's popular commentary series on the New Testament, we've finally come out of the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and into the book of Acts, the biblical history of the early Church following Christ's ascension. This book covers the first 12 chapters of Acts, which goes from Christ's ascension to the death of Herod Agrippa I, with the day of Pentecost, the tale of Stephen, the Church's first martyr, and the dramatic conversion of Saul of Tarsus who would become the apostle Paul. What is interesting about this commentary is how things have lengthened a little bit. Whereas in Mr. Wright's prior commentaries, each section was about 3-4 pages, here the average section was more like 4-5 pages. Not only that, but Mr. Wright's passion for his subject seems to be more apparent in this commentary than in the Gospel commentaries. That is not to say that he wasn't passionate before or anything of the sort, more like it is more noticeable. In short, this commentary series is still an engaging read and a good devotional aid for those who have never used a Biblical commentary as a part of their devotional readings.