A review by abby_ace_of_books
Lodestar by Shannon Messenger

Like I said, I won’t be reviewing this series, but for some reason I just really like the vibes of Lodestar and it’s probably my favorite book so far?

Anyway, here are my notes on the book, and just a spoiler warning for this book and the rest of the series:
- (6) Deep Voice #3: Fitz has a deep crisp accent
- I think people forget Biana and Fitz’s traumas when it comes to their brother and keefe (who is Fitz’s best friend) betraying them in less than 48 hours
- (27) Keefe says the Neverseen had ALL their Technopaths working on the cache, which implies to me that there’s at least 3 of them … and if that’s the case, surely at least one of them could make high tech weapons for the Neverseen or ability restrictors because a 12 year old boy could
- (34) why does Forkle not like his Magnate Leto look
- Grady thinks Keefe is going to be like Brant (saying Sophie is like Jolie) and Edaline thinks Keefe will be like Jolie by being a double agent
- (43) Kenric wasn’t part of Project Moonlark but is he involved with the Black Swan in some other way?
- (58) why DID the Neverseen attack the registry? (Update: they erased Alvar, Brant, Fintan, and Ruy’s records)
- (159) Fintan wipes his mind of anything he doesn’t want to remember … what if he wiped his memories of Bronte on purpose
- (225) Juline is the only Collective member with a family at home that she lives with
- (343) Ruy is in charge of teaching Keefe skills because he was (according to Keefe) Exillium’s star student, which also makes me wonder why hpe got kicked out if he was so good at everything … also Alvar makes Keefe do his chores
- (368) When Alvar let Sophie get away when he was the Boy Who Disappeared, the Neverseen locked him in a flaming room for a day and I’m just imagining Ruy’s reaction (maybe he made a secret force field to protect Alvar or maybe he just sat outside the room and worried the whole time )
- (390) why are Grizel and Sandor kinda Percabeth coded? Like, childhood friends to lovers, turning down important positions (Grizel didn’t join the queens Royal guard) to stay together … I guess the similarities end there but still…
- (396) Ruy and Alvar are fighting again … Ruy is going to get punished and he wants Alvar to share the blame to lessen the punishment but Alvar said no … I’m choosing to believe they’re both too traumatized by previous punishments but honestly they’re giving Lovers Doomed By the Narrative right now
- (399) Fintan called Ruy a disappointment
- (407) Marella is ALSO not Tam’s type, and Linh says he’s into brunettes but … are we sure that’s what he’s referencing
- (421) is there a reason Jensi is one of the three people to burst splotchers on the first day of training?
- (432) Oralie recommended Sandor to watch Sophie? Did she know him before?
- The ability-centricity of the world of the elves itself harms everyone, not just the Talentless. Grady is seen as a tool or weapon to be utilized by multiple parties throughout the series, and his ability defines him more often than his own personality does. He is not allowed at the Summit because he might mesmerize someone, and while I understand the concerned, it’s not just the summit where Grady faces prejudice and I feel like it’s something that’s not discussed enough in the series, especially given what little we know about his past and how he lost all of his friends when he manifested and how they pinned the blame on him whenever they felt like it.
- (439) Ruy is being a big drama queen right now
- Listen, I know spiral staircases are aesthetically pleasing but also … all it takes is one elf in a wheelchair and suddenly they can’t go anywhere because you don’t have any freaking elevators … unless there’s some Elvin magic floating wheelchair tech that I’m not aware of
- (474) I get the symbolism of a sword in a stone but also like … why not just make it a fake sword that can’t do anything on the off chance that prisoners will break out … it seems stupid to taunt them at that point
- (509) Sandor and Grizel need to be a thing by the end… like, they’re so sweet with each other and if they die I will cry so hard … now I’m just picturing them falling in battle together
- (520) If Forkle has figured out a way to trigger abilities, why not just make the kids at Foxfire do that instead of go through ability testing
- (575) Sophie infuriates me because she literally has a chance to look at Ruy’s face right now but doesn’t
- (578) AND once again Dex’s trauma is ignored … he got trapped in the mirror room and I’m sure it reminded him a little of his kidnapping
- (582) Terik thanks Sophie for bringing the alicorns to Foxfire … why is he so excited about it
- (630) Honestly, Dimitars logic is sound … his own people gain nothing from alliance with the elves and I think he’s right to question them (even if he has other flaws)
- (659) what feels wrong about Brant’s death to Sophie? Is it that she later realizes there were 4 figures on the beach, including Vespera? What is it?
- Did Brant get a wanderling? I can see why he wouldn’t but … he was still a victim of circumstance and maybe he was evil but it was because the world forced him to be