A review by caffeinatedcrystal
Daddy's Cabin Boy by Morticia Knight


5⭐️ for pure enjoyment because this is absolutely my vibe. DADDY'S CABIN BOY was a novella set on a kink cruise ship called Cruisin' for a Bruisin'. Love that for us.

Ricky, a boy with bad daddy experiences, desperately needs a job and lies to get the job as a service sub on the cruise ship. But he's not a service sub. He's a boy, and he has no idea what he's doing. And it's all HIGH KEY stressful for him.

Gabe is besties with Master Mal, the cruise director. He's basically bullied to go on the cruise and dip his toes back onto the k!nk community.

Ricky is assigned to Gabe, and it becomes very clear very quickly that Ricky and Gave are exactly what the other needs - they just need to communicate it.

Which they do. It was great. What follows is a Daddy in his element and a size queen boy getting pampered & praised and everything else he needs.

This was a C-U-T-E story with way less spice than you'd think. But it was so cute, and THEY were so cute and awkward it totally worked.

Like I said, 5⭐️ because I enjoyed Gabe and Ricky and their awkwardness so much.