A review by _raven
07-Ghost, Volume 04 by Yuki Amemiya


Ayanami seems to be a really powerful opponent, being able to control half souls and planning his moves precisely. I really like him :)
More information about the Eye of Mikhail and the Seven Ghosts is given, and some more glimpses of Teitos past are shown. Frau had to decide between saving the Eye or saving Teito, a really nice move...
SpoilerI am curious how they plan to get the Eye back.

Hakuren and Teito are becoming really good friends as they prepare for the Exam. The introduction of Bishop Lance was quite funny :D
The exam is interesting, having to answer 100 questions in different situations, could be rather difficult. The idea of the door of the victor and the door of the defeated is a great idea and the short preview of the second part of the exam teases. Threatening atmosphere!