A review by rick_k
Warbound by Larry Correia


It is difficult to review sequels without focusing on plot, so I typically avoid it, but in this case I wanted to make an exception. The second book ([b:Spellbound|10822283|Spellbound (Grimnoir Chronicles, #2)|Larry Correia|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1313446621s/10822283.jpg|15736027]) expanded the magical system and fantasy elements to a level I believe I described as "batshit crazy", but kept a decent pace and character focus which pulled me through. This third volume actually completely pays off. The magical system is brought into focus and resolves several loose ends from the previous books. The issue of over-powered characters is addressed in a direct fashion and with resonance to the primary plot and character arcs. It is rare that a series will expand its scope to this degree and still be able to find a meaningful resolution for each character and plot. I was impressed and would definitely consider reading more from [a:Larry Correia|1136158|Larry Correia|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1323587082p2/1136158.jpg].