A review by libraryofdreaming
Midnight Beauties by Megan Shepherd


I feel pretty conflicted about this book. Once again I feel like I'm in mourning for what this series could have been. The world and the characters had so much potential but I feel like it came out half-baked. I wish that there had been more time and depth to the plot. I feel like if the plot was ironed out it would make a good trilogy but as it is I felt like were were bounced around too much. Some twists came to fast and other scenes seemed to last forever. I enjoyed the plot twists in Grim Lovelies for the most part because they felt fresh and interesting. I didn't feel that way about this book. It didn't feel like we got to learn more about the characters and I'll be honest, I felt like the romance was a drag.

Usually if you have angst, separation, or other drama in a second book it needs to be built on a solid, believable foundation. I wanted to figure out how these characters ticked but I never did. The final twist felt tacked on and (I hate to say it) a bit lazy. Really, I didn't mind everything that happened, I didn't like how it happened, how it was presented, and how it unfolded. There could have been so much more.

I feel like my review is especially harsh because I had high expectations for this book. I wanted it to give me the development and depth that Grim Lovelies didn't. There were some good moments and interesting things here but it just wasn't more than ok. If only it had been given more time to develop and grow I think it would have been truly great.