A review by kewlkat70
Seminal by C.M. Stunich

challenging funny lighthearted medium-paced


This book is much better than the first book as the FMC has some self awareness of her idiocy and calls herself TSTL several times.  As long as she is aware of her stubbornness as well as the complete ridiculousness of the situation she is in then her character is far more acceptable.  At least I like her more and it makes the story a whole lot more fun 

I love authors that don't take the genre too seriously.   I don't know what the fantasy version of Alien Smut Slut would be but I'm all for it.  

The only criticism I have is the pacing.   The story gets a bit sticky (literally and figuratively, but the literal stickiness is not a problem).  I suspect it has to do with the structure of adding one mate per book and circumstances cause 2 of the 3 MMC to be out of the picture.  So there is a lot of build up for each character and that makes the story feel like it's dragging at points.  

I love that CM Sturrich lays out her philosophy for a slow build and fast burn story so we get plenty of sex but we also get to spend quality time with each character.   I feel like she achieved a better balance between the characters in The Witchwood Boys and the slow build was able wind its way through all three men simultaneously.  Here she tries to go one MMC at a time and what's missing is interactions between the MMCs.  A few more PoV chapter from each MMC would help. 
Perhaps we will see more interaction in the third book