A review by nikkihrose
A Cosmic Kind of Love by Samantha Young


This was my second book by Samantha Young and both have been incredible. This book had my heart soaring, squeezing, and aching for more.

I personally loved Hallie and Chris. Hallie is the misunderstood, eccentric woman who is brave and outspoken and worthy of everything in life, and Chris is a man who has gone above and beyond in accomplishing his goals, but has yet to spend any real time contemplating his personal life.

Young took the concept of a meet-cute to a whole new level in this book. These two characters end up meeting after indirectly meeting one another through recorded videos that had been sent to one another, partially by accident. I have never seen a meet-cute quite like this one, and it’s easily one of my favorites.

I love how honest they are with one another (even if they struggle to come clean about everything). I love how down to earth they are, how they aren’t afraid to strive for what they want and deserve in life, but how they are both wanting to make others happy in the world, too. These two characters not only have phenomenal chemistry, but they have a friendship that truly shines and brings out the best in one another and to be able to see that in the pages of this book was inspiring. I wanted to be friends with these two. And I never wanted their story to end.