A review by noa_ashley_
Blaze & Ajax by Courtney W. Dixon


"I screamed for attention, but no one could hear me." - Blaze (Ajax)

"Despite all our shit, Blaze chose me to help him when he could've found anyone else." - Ajax (Jaxon)

Blaze has been g00med, there are flashbacks and thoughts about that time and person throughout the book, make sure to check the trigger warnings. In the beginning he didn't see it that way, it took him some time and conversations with others to realize that. Because of that, he has a hard time showing/accepting love and believing that people want to be and stay with him because they really want too, there are a lot of things that he struggles with, eventually he starts to open up to Ajax and their friends. Blaze just wanted to be seen and loved. I'm glad that he has Cueball who looks after him and makes sure that Ajax understands what Blaze needs and how he needs/wants to be treated.

"Understand your boundaries and his. Create safe words and have a safe space." - Cueball to Ajax about Blaze

Ajax is struggling with his mental health, especially in the second half of this book. It was hard to read but also beautiful that when he was told that he had bipolar disorder, that there was hope, people could help him and he could understand himself better and also parts of his childhood. And yes, I cried a lot in the second half of the book.This book was written with so much respect and care.

The mental health, found family and hurt/comfort (I'm always looking for those tropes) were so beautiful and made me emotional! Even though a lot of people abandoned them, they still have each other. Ajax and Blaze understood each other so well, they were vulnerable with each other and they slowly opened up. They had a lot of fun and important meaningful moments. I just loved how they talked about doubts they had and how they reassured each other in those moments, they help each other heal parts that they didn't break.They have each other and a lot of loving friends that will help them in difficult times.

I found a new author that I want to read more books from! I received a copy of this book. Thank you so much.