A review by readswithkatie
What We Keep by Jennifer Millikin


So I love a second chance romance! Make it a divorced couple's second chance and you have my attention.

This book will take you on an emotional roller coaster. The first part of the book was so unique being from Avery’s point of view with the therapy sessions. My heart broke for both Avery and Gabriel during these sessions. Gabriel was going through so much guilt and not knowing how to work through it and making poor decisions along the way (which I understand). Avery is left on the outside not knowing what to do to help Gabriel and feeling left in the dark and left behind with their marriage.

Fast forward to part 2 and we see these two together again. They clearly still have the chemistry that drew them to each other in the first place and it never went away. These two were made for each other. I enjoyed seeing them truly work through their past to get to the present and move forward together again.

This book was such a journey and shows how truly fragile love can be but it also showcases how when two people are meant to be they can achieve anything together even if it takes them on a roller coaster ride.

Thank you so much to Jennifer and Valentine PR for the ARC of this book