A review by jainabee
Tabula Idem: A Queer Tarot Comic Anthology by C.J. Walker, Hye Mardikian, Gray Dupe Folie, Alexandra Genetti, Petra Nordlund, Andrew Drillon, Capp, Lorena Reyes, Nero O'Reilly, Andi Santagata, Iris Jay, Laura Lee, Ivan Kasof, D. Marie Licea, Jahna Vaughan, Muura, Lin, Val Wise, Ashanti Fortson, Steve Foxe, H. Pueyo, Kat Gesiriech, Mister Loki, Lauren Dombrowski, Adam Massimiano, Dante Luiz, Jenn St-Onge, Van Weasel, Gillian Pascasio, Maia Kobabe, Alain Helmers, Shoona Browning


A fascinating and illuminating exploration of the Major Arcana told as comix tales. The styles and stories are vast and varied, some more to my liking than others, however as a whole this collection is quite enjoyable and reveals new and contemporary insights into these beloved archetypes.