A review by preetalina
Reason for Hope by Jane Goodall


This is the kind of book you have for a couple years, having bought it at a used book store for a couple bucks, but it sits around, until one day you spy it on your shelf and decide to toss it in your bag "just in case." Then when you open it to start reading, the next thing you know, it's been an hour and you're already on page 54!

Amazon reviewers have called Jane Goodall not a "great writer" but I feel like the simple style contributes to the flow of the writing - you don't realize how fast you are devouring the words yet it's not difficult to understand, nor is it boring.

The title, Reason for Hope, is so apt. I consider myself a pretty cynical person, but the way Jane Goodall writes, and her stories, everything comes together so well that maybe, just maybe, you think there is a reason to hope.