A review by chriswolak
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle


I had thought about reading Tolle's The Power of Now, but whenever I picked it up and thumbed through it it didn't capture me. When Oprah announced that she was doing her webinar on A New Earth I thought I might consider it. Then my boss asked me if I'd be willing to lead a book group on it (I worked in a bookstore) and I said sure. I love book groups. So, I read it for the group. We've been meeting once a week and discussing the book chapter by chapter. Tolle's ideas are very Buddhist and Louise Hay, so for me there wasn't anything really new in this book. I've read enough self-help/metaphysical/spiritual stuff to know there's nothing really new out there...authors just put their ideas together differently and so different authors appeal to different readers. We need the variety and I know I also need to hear positive messages over and over and over. One concept of Tolle's that I have found both fascinating and helpful in my own life is that of the Painbody. I'm very happy to have read the book, and thrilled to have met the wonderful group of people who have been coming to the discussion group each week.