A review by mballen528
The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall


I enjoyed the characters, but probably would not read another book by Cara Wall.

Her storytelling is not for me; she tells the story instead of letting the characters and events tell the story. Her writing style is a constant reminder that she is the narrator and she is telling you a story instead of allowing you as the reader to get lost in the story.

She also has no idea how to segway into a new storyline or character development, which often took me out of the story. When something happens, she writes “And then this happened.”

I also felt she didn’t really know the story she wanted to tell. There was too much that happened. It was at first a love story, then a story about religion, then a story about parenting, then a story about social change. The aspects didn’t flow well together and segmented the overarching story.

It was an easy read and not terrible; I really did enjoy the four main characters and appreciated the diversity. I just think Wall’s storytelling could be improved. At least for my tastes.