A review by tammie
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


54th Re-Read- December 2019 for the Winter Magical Readathon (A book published before you were born)
- I really don't understand why people say this is their least favourite book in this series. Easily the most underrated Harry Potter book.

55th Re-Read- January 2020
- Christ, this re-read is hitting me hard. Honestly this is my joint 2nd favourite book of the series (the other one is Prisoner of Azkaban) and I still don't understand why so many people say this is their least favourite. I'm also flying through this re-read and I don't understand how because work is taking up so much of my time.

56th Re-Read- September 2020 for Becca's Bookopoly (Roll 9, Set in the Past), Bratz Readathon (Kool Kat, Featuring a Cat), A Touch of Whimsy Readathon (Down the Rabbit Hole, Set in Another World), Royal Readathon (Long Live the King, Male Protagonist) MONSTERathon (A Moment of Peace, Comfort Read) and Sequel September
- I really don't understand why most people say this is their least favourite book in this series. However, I completely understand why people despise the author. Please remember this series is owned by the fans not the devil who wrote it. Please check out the links that I leave down below for certain transgender organisations. Remember, you are valid, you're feelings are valid and you are loved by so many.
