A review by pn_hinton
The Edge of Grace by


This novel is much different from the first novel of hers I reviewed (Walking on Broken Glass) which I think speaks of her ability to write to be able to write such different novels. I found that I enjoyed this one much more simply because I think it brings up a lot of questions that everyone (not just Christians) have about homosexuality in religion.

While most people may find Caryn's internal battle repetitive and silly, fact is most people feel that way they just don't verbalize it. She has been feed into the sterotype that Christianity = intolerance of anyone who is like them and while Christians can intolerant, God is not. But I digress this is a review not a soapbox.

I think Caryn's evolution from someone who wouldn't even talk to her brother to someone who realized that regardless of who he loved he was her family and she needed to stay by him happened in the speed that it needed to. After the attack, she realized she need to basically get overself (as her friend articulated to her many times) and then her eventually complete acceptance of him while even realizing her own downfalls was perfectly paced.

I don't want to give too many details since I hate spoilers but I do recommend picking this book up. If you've read her other novel though expect something different. I really wish a friend had read this along with me so we could have a discussion about it; that's how much I enjoyed it.