A review by bookishrealm
Dr. STONE, Vol. 2 by Riichiro Inagaki, Boichi


I'm not going to lie. This didn't hit me the same way that the first volume did. It was still a great read but just not as impactful as the first volume.

There were definitely some high stakes in this next volume as the characters attempt to create gunpowder. Of course, with the introduction of gunpowder things get more serious. The trio is still attempting to make sure that they can stop Tsukasa from his sick plan to select who should and should not live in this new world. The most enjoyable aspect of this for me as a reader is definitely learning more about Senku's origin. In the first volume we just see him appear whereas in this volume we get to see everything that he had to do before his friends officially "woke" up. The ending was extremely intriguing. A new character is introduced that seems to be able to match Tsukasa in fighting ability; however, their origin is quite sketchy. It definitely was an epic ending. I'm still on the fence if I want to continue collecting this series. I may just read them from the library first and then see how I feel.