A review by al_exposition
The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon


disclaimer: i'm just a girl !! who is trying to get into reading!!

so i got this book as a gift and the gifter had annotated in the pages, so my perception of the book is heavily skewed as a result of that. but! i will try to not let the annotations skew my review.

i genuinely think it was a good book, and it really made me think a lot about the importance of just one day, and how small actions can lead to big consequences. the plotline with irene was especially interesting to me because it really shows that you don't know what a person is going through, and that we're all just silly little characters in a game.

ik that isn't something groundbreaking, but i still liked it and the impact it had on me while reading.

the book does change perspectives every chapter, and it's not just the two main characters that we're able to follow. i like being able to understand the motivations behind different characters and how a "small action" to them would greatly impact another person's life.

now do i think that it's stupid that
Spoiler natasha really could've had a chance to stay but didn't because her lawyer thought it was more important to have an affair that would ultimately end that same day
? yes, yes i do. but i also think it drives home that idea that a small action has big consequences. was i disappointed in the ending? also yes. but to me it didn't seem like it was a
Spoiler - ha got u! - moment. since the whole story is about those butterfly effects, it made sense to me.

Spoiler i know it would've been unrealistic for them to remain together after she was deported to jamaica, but damn can't a girl read a straightforward romance these days???

overall, i think it's worth the read and that their romance is worth the rollercoaster of emotions