A review by skylar2
Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State by Samuel Stein



While the author clearly has good intentions, much of the book is mere speculation backed up by anecdotes. He also gets bogged down in rambling stories: as fascinating as the Trump family's real estate dealings are, by the author's own admission they're a small part of the real estate market, yet somehow deserved an entire chapter in this book.

Even worse, he manages to mention one of the largest drivers of real estate costs --- parking and parking requirements --- only a handful of times, and never in a way to address it head-on. He also thinks increasing the difficulty of building housing will somehow solve our affordable housing shortage, while at the same time acknowledging that overbuilding luxury housing is driving down the price of high-end homes!

I'd be more than willing to believe this author's thesis if there were data to support it, but they're just not there.