A review by jainabee
Nonbinary: A Memoir by Genesis P-Orridge


There are moments of grace and brilliant social insight, compassionate family histories, creative aha! moments and jaw-dropping anecdotes about many of the notable and notorious characters Genesis encountered throughout some fascinating cultural eras— especially the formation of COUM Transmissions. Those are my favorite swatches in this grab bag of memories. It all seems to skim lightly over a vast expanse of intensities, which makes sense considering the dropping-the-body context in which Genesis composed this. The dysfunctional relationship squabbles are tedious and annoying. One binary Gen was unable to smash was one of self-aggrandization/martyrdom. Or maybe they did eventually blend together after 1981, however I started rapidly skimming the skim at the line, "I was going to make the occult trendy again" on p. 253, so I may have missed something.