A review by zoesallbooked
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas


If trying to review ACOMAF was a struggle, this is going to be just terrible. I loved this one more than the other two. I honestly didn't think it was possible the first time around, but this reread made me love it even more. I'm that type of person who physically reacts when things happen, and this book had me clapping like a maniac, yelling random things, covering my face because I was so happy and I"M JUST A WELL OF EMOTIONS. Thank god my fiancé wasn't at home when I finished this book. He already thinks I'm insane enough! I've heard a lot of people say this one was boring, but it's by far my favourite out of the three. The fact that it's almost 700 pages is like an aphrodisiac to me, and I'm not even 100% joking. Like a book aphrodisiac. Bookphrodisiac? That may work.