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A review by patambro
Nunca juzgues a una dama por su apariencia by Sarah MacLean
Me encantó. Si es cierto que de damiselas con problemas hay muchas historias. También es cierto que las hay de época en donde un desliz, o la falta de chaperonas, hacían perder la virtud de una dama, sobre todo si esta era aristocrática. Y esta novela tiene todo eso. Pero... siempre lo hay, es diferente en cierto punto. La historia de Georgiana, Anna, Chase... las caras de una misma moneda. Y por supuesto Duncan, del que no pude mas que enamorarme.
Pues digamos que esta muy bien armada, y salvo un poco la brillantez de Caroline, una niña de 9 años que habla como si al menos tuviera 20 y no lo crees ni un poco, el libro no tiene desperdicio.
I loved. If it is true that there are many stories of damsels with problems. It is also true that there are times when a slip, or the lack of chaperones, made a lady lose her virtue, especially if she was aristocratic. And this novel has all of that. But... there always is, it's different at a certain point. The story of Georgiana, Anna, Chase... the sides of the same coin. And of course Duncan, who I couldn't help but fall in love with.
Well, let's say that it is very well armed, and except for the brilliance of Caroline, a 9-year-old girl who speaks as if she were at least 20 and you don't believe it one bit, the book is priceless.
Pues digamos que esta muy bien armada, y salvo un poco la brillantez de Caroline, una niña de 9 años que habla como si al menos tuviera 20 y no lo crees ni un poco, el libro no tiene desperdicio.
I loved. If it is true that there are many stories of damsels with problems. It is also true that there are times when a slip, or the lack of chaperones, made a lady lose her virtue, especially if she was aristocratic. And this novel has all of that. But... there always is, it's different at a certain point. The story of Georgiana, Anna, Chase... the sides of the same coin. And of course Duncan, who I couldn't help but fall in love with.
Well, let's say that it is very well armed, and except for the brilliance of Caroline, a 9-year-old girl who speaks as if she were at least 20 and you don't believe it one bit, the book is priceless.