A review by goodverbsonly
Coriolanus by William Shakespeare


I'm really bringing down the average rating because it's just me and some other woman who have rated the kindle version of Coriolanus, which isn't even fair because I read Coriolanus as part of a Shakespeare collection but obviously would like to count each play towards my goal and i didn't read the entire book. Anyway there aren't that many editions of Coriolanus on Goodreads,whic leads me to the conclusion that I sort of already knew: this is an EXTREMELY underrated play, but it's also so weird! Also, it's my brother's favorite play, and perhaps the only one he's like, read, which is strange. A review? For this play?

Listen. I think this could be very compelling for modern audiences, and I think Martius is a character who modern audiences coud really sympathize with in the right hands, but it also makes sense that this play flies so under the radar in pop culture. I've done a little research and people seem to be all over the place in terms of readings for it, and while there are a couple of things I think are Very Cool about it, I think it's a tricky play, especially for adaptations. We shall see, I still haven't seen an adaptation of it, but I've got a few concerns, which I'll address maybe at some point. Probably not.

EDIT: actually changed my mind, i LOVE martius and this play.