A review by jokeefe28
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


I loved this book, this was one of those that as you were approaching the conclusion you both wanted to get there but you didn't want it to end.

The setting was interesting, kind of a dystopian fantasy world set in roughly "now" but in a world where magic exists and the population is aware of it. For me, I'd compare it to a great blend of [b:The Mysterious Benedict Society|40605329|The Mysterious Benedict Society (The Mysterious Benedict Society, #1)|Trenton Lee Stewart|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1529611235l/40605329._SY75_.jpg|80497] and early (1960s) X-Men if you substitute magical abilities for being a mutant. There's a real risk that I'm doing the book a disservice by simplifying it that way so...

There's a lot in this book. For me, the book is for anyone who has ever felt an outsider; the people who never quite fit in and were the square pegs in the round hole. It's also a very sweet romance that in no way overpowers the main story. Honestly, I'm struggling to recommend this book without gushing.

I had not heard of [a:T.J. Klune|5073330|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1546275989p2/5073330.jpg] before this book but now I'm eager to read more of their work.

Completely and without any reservation, highly recommended.