A review by hannamayh
Midnight Beauties by Megan Shepherd


The bare bones of this series were good. The plotting, character development, and world building felt off. Midnight Beauties felt like the author had ideas for a multi book series but was forced to wrap it up in a sequel.

Positives: The short time spent at the witch academy was interesting and I found myself wishing we had spent more time there.

A lot of the big reveals felt unearned. Beau and Anouk’s romance had no fire or real foundation and I found myself wondering why I should care if he was a dog forever. Rennar and Anouk’s relationship had the foundation for something interesting. However, the lack of build there made Rennar’s last minute duplicity feel like a cheap way to pave the way for Beau and Anouk’s happy ending.

I would have loved more development of the beasties relationships, more world building, and less rush.