A review by kindleandcrochet
The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin


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Well shit!
I'm honestly not sure how to review this other than it was a slow start but it got epic and it got epic fast! I don't like Nassun, she's being manipulated  by everyone around her and still manages to hate her mother. I was hoping she would learn to understand her mother better as she got to know Schaffa despite him being a dif erent person than the one whom looked after Syneite. Whilst Damaya/Syneite/Essun just wants to make sure she is safe and alive. Do I understand corrdctly that the stone eaters *eat* the orogenes turning to stone with the use of magic? Thats what Lerna implies happened with Alabaster... Who has turned into a stone eater despite half of him mossing earlier... Was Antimony just storing his stone body parts ready for his death?

I'm not a fan of Lerna so much or most of the stills in Castrima, but as always it's a reflaction of racism in the real world... I was routing for Essun to find Nassun and save her, although she saved herself somewhat. I liked Hoa... From the more human child to regular stone eater... I hope we answers to that, why 10 years after she freed him? How did he become his version of a human child? I understand that he chose that form to forge a connection with Essun because he knew that was the way, how I'm not sure, but he knew somehow... I do like that Essun although freaked out by Hoa's transformation after he's ripped to piece, she knows he's still the same "person" and she tries to treat him the same until it no longer becomes thoight because she is comfortable with him.

I cannot wait to dive into the third book because i need answers 😖