A review by allingoodtime
The Promise of Us by Jamie Beck


4.5 stars

I lost count of the number of times my heart ached for Claire. I could understand the things that were holding her back, but I could also see those things weren’t healthy. And the awareness Claire starts to have about her situation and her anxiety is the most gut-wrenching thing of all.

There are a few times I’m not so happy with Logan, but it’s very obvious that he’s never trying to be a bully or even truly manipulate anyone out of ill intent. He wants to see everyone he cares for living their lives to the fullest and finding happiness. Of course, he thinks he knows best. Those are the times he gets himself into hot water…with me and some of the other characters.

It beautiful to see the connection between Logan and Claire before Logan even realizes what is happening on a deeper level. In fact, before Claire even truly sees this isn’t just her lifelong crush rearing its head and it’s not her imagination that there are feelings developing with them both.

Claire helps Logan to see that he’s putting up walls with his parents so much that he can’t see any good anymore. Not only that, but those walls are actually holding him back from finding true contentment in his life. So, although Logan does a lot to help Claire, she does just as much for him.

Another Jamie Beck book I didn’t want to put down. And still so much between these friends I want to see happen. We get a bit more of Logan’s sister/Claire’s former bestie Peyton this go around. I’m starting to see that she may be redeemable. I’m interested to get her side of the story on a more intimate level. What was she thinking, feeling, hoping for the outcome to be?

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

This review can also be found at All In Good Time.