A review by lauraborkpower
Rant by Chuck Palahniuk


This is a fictional oral biography of Buster "Rant" Casey, and it's just terrific. It takes place in a sort of alternative, post-apocalypticish setting, and Rant is the 'patient zero' responsible for a nationwide rabies outbreak. I'm teaching it later this semester for my oral history class, so we'll see how my Palahniuk-virgin students do with it.

So, I've just finished re-reading this book for the second time after teaching my second section of composition 2, focusing on oral history. The responses ranged from "holy crap, this book is amazing," to "holy crap, this book goes against everything I believe in and it's awful" (only one student responded with the latter comment, thankfully). The discussions stemming from the readings have been fantastic, and my re-readings of the book have only confirmed that Palahniuk is genius. It's definitely a book that requires two or more readings. So read it again, and then register for my class.