A review by rbcp82
كرة القدم بين الشمس والظل by Eduardo Galeano, إدواردو غاليانو


This non-fiction book that is ostensibly about soccer is actually about so much more: history, morality, capitalism. At the same time, Galeano's writing seem to have shown me the new possibilities of writing; so pure yet full of passion, his metaphors and similes dead on point. The writing itself is truly alive.

Loved this book so much. My love for this sport has also infinitely increased; my respect for players as well.

Reading it, I've transitioned between seriousness and laughter so many times, plus a few moment of teary eyes.

With this one book, Galeano has convinced me that I should read (or rather I should buy too) all of his books that have been translated into English.