A review by melothree
A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century by Oliver Van DeMille


Some good ideas, but the book made me uncomfortable a bit. First of all, I am not a Christian and the author clearly is. The Bible could never be our "national book." I have no problem with Christians and as a homeschooler, I come into contact with strong minded ones often and feel I am very tolerant of their beliefs. However, they alone do not make up our country and cannot impose the Bible on everyone. I think the author realizes this which is why he mentions the Declaration as a possible "national book."

Also, the author seems to be a big believer in self-education but then tells the reader to find a good college (his college) and pay the money to go there. Hmmmm. As a big believer in self education, I find college and its costs unnecessary and certainly will not be doing this.

If you are not a white christian homeschooler, this book and education philosophy may not sit well with you. However, we should read widely (more widely than the lists presented in the book with books from many more cultures for sure), we should try to inspire our children/students to want to learn, and we should discuss what we read.