A review by readingrobyn
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen


Reading this book has made me realize that I am absolutely starved for gay content. I am seriously so happy that we are going through this queer-romcom renaissance right now and we are now starting to see more queer women as part of it. Although I would have loved to see these sort of stories 10 years ago when my baby-bi self was scanning the YA shelves for non-crushingly-sad LGBT+ rep, I am still very happy that I get to experience it now. If you have wlw reading recommendations please comment because I need more of this in my life.

She Drives Me Crazy is the story of two girls who go through the I-hate-you-no-wait-don't-go journey and I loved it.

Although the fake dating set up is a little dicey at first, I appreciate that the characters commit to the bit without it being cringe. Both Scottie and Irene were great characters and I liked that they each had their own character arc. The relationship felt very natural even though they were being forced together by circumstance.

I also loved the supporting cast of characters. I was a little worried at the beginning with how many names were being thrown around, but they each really developed their own personalities. Danielle was the stand out as both the obligatory supporting friend, but who was also down to stir shit up. Also A+ for having more than one supportive family.

Something else that I think is really great about this book is the inclusion of the characters learning what is and isn't a healthy relationship and how moving on from bad breakups with shitty people is harder than it looks. As more young people are out and dating at a young age, I think it is so important to have these sort of stories that acknowledge that not all relationships are good for you and learning how to set bouderies is important. It makes me happy to see books that are just quietly reaffirming of good communication and positive personal growth while also being tropey and fluffy.

I found this to be a super quick read and read through it in a single night because the writing was good and the story was engaging. It was well worth checking out and I would 100% recommend if you like YA romance.