A review by karenstory
Booked to Die by John Dunning


On January 28, 2011 the 4th Fridays Mystery Readers (the Library Book Discussion Group I use to lead) met for the first time to discuss The Bookman's Last Fling by John Dunning.

This book was the fifth in his series about Denver bookman Cliff Janeway.

Seven years and one month later, I finally picked up the first in the series, Booked to Die - and could not put it down!

For those of us who love books and mysteries, this was the perfect who-dun-it!

Back in 2011 we loved Cliff Janeway a retired cop turned rare bookseller.


What took me so long to finally read the first book?

Who knows.....

But, I highly recommend it!

It is always interesting to read about the character's beginnings, and what better way than reading the first story?