A review by timothycapehart
A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel by Madeleine L'Engle


I read or listen to "Wrinkle in Time" about once a year. Obviously it's one of my favorite books (as are the two sequels...Many Waters and Acceptable Time aren't sequels really). I was simultaneously overjoyed and trepidatious when this project was announced. And I have to be honest...when I saw the cover I was horrified. Calvin looks awful.

Now that said, I have to say on finishing the title that it was well done. I quite enjoyed it. It was very respectful to the original material. In reading this, I heard Madeleine speaking the lines (she reads the audio book). I think she would have liked this as much as she disliked the TV movie some years back (I really didn't mind the movie & I know I'm in the minority).

Now THAT said, I agree with other reviewers, the color choice was just poor. When you have a character called "Man with red eyes" and his eyes are actually robin's egg blue...it just doesn't work. If the color had been red/pink, it would have worked better...but I think we should have gone black and white or full-ish color. So bad marks there and also for the depiction of Aunt Beast. She and her people looked a bit goofy...and the suggestion of faces was just not right for the characters.

When you spend as much time with a book as many of the audience of Wrinkle have, nothing will live up to the vivid pictures in your head. This was OK, and I do hope they do Wind in the Door too.

Note to Publisher: putting a quote from James Patterson on the back cover of this book is like putting a quote from Ed Wood on the DVD of "Citizen Kane." No that's an insult to Ed...he was a better writer than Patterson.