A review by purplegrape
What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma by Stephanie Foo

challenging dark emotional hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


I think this book has been on my TBR list since I saw Alice Winn review it. I didn't know very much going into it other than it was nonfiction and related to psychology. I didn't expect to relate to Stephanie as much as I did. Her healing process made me look at myself in a different light. Together we picked ourselves apart to put ourselves back together. It's too soon to say whether the impact of this novel will last, but I think the lessons I've learned won't leave me (and if they do, I know where to go when I need a refresher).

What a raw, unfiltered account of such a personal process. She made me feel in some ways seen and heard despite having never seen nor heard me. I hope this book makes me kinder to both myself and others, though I seem to need the kindness the most.