A review by wingreads
Brown Girls by Daphne Palasi Andreades


I finished this book in one sitting.

This js one of the most captivating nods to girlhood, which I have read in a while. This was a love letter to her female friends, girls and women she has met and cherished during her girl to womanhood, growing up in the US.

Reading the story, I can also see how a small group of friends explored and navigated new experiences. It was also a period which they all hurt and built their resilience. Some of them may have had strong supporters in their corner, others may not have.

I became teary as I read the familiar narrative of society and some of its powerful actors threaten girlhood. Some of them (and us) succumb to its narrative of respectability and acceptability.

The themes of intergenerational assimulation, teachings from women in their lives landed heavily with me. I can see it has been woven into the fabrics of the characters identities.

This is a gem of a book.
This is a love story for all women in our lives.