A review by poenaestante
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi


I fully cop to getting this book primarily for the cover photo of two hot queer WOC gazing at each other lustily. Yespleasethankyou. I, however, did not realize just how schlocky it was going to be. I don't read romance or YA novels.

I also didn't realize how the characters would worm their way into my heart. I found myself gasping when they got into bad situations and misting up when things went well. There was contrivance after silly, eyerolling, CW After School Special contrivance, but I still wanted to see how it all turned out. Where would Rachel and Sana be when the dust settled? I'm sure it was obvious to anyone who reads this kinda thing and it was mostly pretty glaringly obvious to me, but I was firmly strapped in for the ride. So, I guess, good job Aminah Mae Safi. Check and mate. But just this one time.