A review by ljrinaldi
Sugar and Snails by Sarah Tsiang


I'm sure we have all heard the saying:
What are little girls made of? Sugar and Spice and everything nice. What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails.

And if you have heard it, did you grimice, or just think it wasn't worth bothering with, or did you wonder why?

That is what this book does. It wonders why. The grandfather is telling the old rhyme to his grandchildren, and they ask why? Why can't it be other things? And so they come up with so many other things that it would be.

And so they muse, and it is so much fun, and the pictures, are great too, and very whimsical.

This should be a delight to all kids, and bring up discussions, or just read it on the level of being fun.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.