A review by clairealex
More Than it Hurts You by Darin Strauss


I might not have finished it apart from it being a group read. There seemed too many subplots and issues. I often appreciate description that stalls action to increase suspense, but in this novel I did not. Especially when the couple were driving to the hearing, the long list of chain restaurants seemed intrusive.

One thing that was effective though, was filtering doctor talk through Josh's consciousness, showing how poorly it was understood.

I cared only about Dr Stokes. For the novel to be truly effective I would have had to care about Josh and Dori as well.

Alas, the world we live in makes Josh and Dori winning the case too believable. I saw signs of Darlene's loss early on, but kept hoping otherwise.

I am not fully sure whether I disliked the novel or that I disliked the people and events. I have read other novels about uncomfortable subjects, though and liked them, so I think it the novel itself I dislike. Purposely harming one's child, "news" manipulating public reaction at the suggestion of a lawyer, a lawyer twisting testimony--these may be realistic, but make for a very dark novel. And the hint of Josh's growth too slim to believe at the end.