A review by bryckklovesbooks
Beauty's Beast by Lee Savino


I love a Beauty and the Beast retelling but, this one?! Unnecessarily BRUTAL!

I wish I could give this more stars. I have always loved the story, Beauty and the Beast. So, the fact that this was one of the most warped versions of the tale truly hurts my soul.

Daphne is a nerd. A very smart, attractive, albeit insecure nerd. She finds out that her father made a deal with the devil and the only way out of her mess is at the hands of a masked stranger. Enter: the Beast.

Poor Daphne. She feels as if she knows the man but his cruelty is like nothing she has ever dealt with before. "The Beast" introduces her to the world of bondage and discipline, which she willingly enters into. The whole book ends with a cliffhanger that I think is really weird and for all intense purposes... stupid.

I won't give away any spoilers on the identity of the "Beast" but I will say that he is cruel and the way he responds to Daphne is borderline psycho and predatorial. Its hard to root for him to win when he seems to punish Daphne for simply asking him a question. I can't deal with his acts of cruelty one minute and over the top aftercare afterwards.

I'm not going to waste my time on the sequel to this story. After the inhumane actions of the hero and the stupid decisions and actions from the heroine, I don't care what happens to either of them.

For those who press onward... Happy Reading!