A review by theespressoedition
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


"I saw Persephone, pomegranate in hand. Dooming herself to the underworld."

This was the Twilight we deserved. I wasn't even halfway through this book when I found myself wishing that the original saga had all been told from Edward's perspective. However, now that I think about it, if that had been the case, this may not have felt quite as special.

Edward is perceptive - clearly, with his ability to hear the thoughts of others. However, the way he perceives not only Bella, but the entire Cullen clan - and even the students at the high school - made me appreciate the characters even more. I fell even more in love with Carlisle and Esme, I was overcome with emotions when Alice would see the future, and I cheered like crazy as Jasper's skills really came through!

There was far more detail in this book than I even imagined there could be. I thought I knew Forks. I thought I understood Edward and Bella's unbelievable relationship. I really thought Edward was a tool (haha?) but now I love him. It would still take a lot for me to switch from #TeamJacob, but that's a whole other story.

Going back to this world made me really nostalgic, happy, and peaceful. It was like meeting up with an old friend after years apart, and realizing that while a lot had changed, you still loved each other fiercely. I sincerely can't wait for Stephenie Meyer to release more books!